

Notes and Questions from Brother Hanlin

關於[近因]: 一法生起的最直接的因緣. 修Vipassana重在觀[近因]

P67: 關於[掉舉]
掉舉的特相是心在不同的所緣上跳動. 但在一剎那的一個心中, 何以有[掉舉]這一心所?

P68: 為何[慢]只生起與[邪見不相應]的心中?

P69: 如何理解昏沉的近因是不如理地作意無聊或怠惰?

P71: 美心所的[慚與愧]與[追悔]的差別? : [追悔]是對以作的惡事後悔, [慚與愧]是對未作的惡事厭噁,害怕.

P73-74: 這六對[身]與[心] 的輕安等還有待進一步的理解.

P77: [悲], 當能去除殘忍時此悲即已成功,若導致悲傷則已失敗.
[喜], 當能去除厭惡時此喜即已成功,若導致同歡同樂則已失敗

P89, “悲與喜無量心所不能出現於出世間心,因為它們必須緣取有情的概念為目標,而道心與果心則緣取涅槃為目標”.

聲聞乘與大乘的分水嶺! 大乘的菩提心是[無量心]與[空正見]的統一.

Brother Hanlin's Table


5 条评论:

Samma Ditthi 说...

Email extraction from Hanlin:

Dear Dharma Friends,

It was a wonderful night last night. I enjoyed every minute. Thecollective effort is the key to learn Abidhamma. Let's make a vow to ourselve to keep the effort to the end no matter what will happen down the road.

One suggestion: it should be a good idea tha each of us submit a list of questions/comments to a centralized person one day prior to the study. During discussion, we can remove those questions that we are satisfied with answers and add new questions as we go. This way, it will have less burden on the person who is taking the note. We should also develop equanimity toward the question list. Only treat them as developing a mental power for
us to penetrate Abidhamma, not something we have to find the right answer.



Samma Ditthi 说...

Email extraction from Min
Dear Brother Wang,
I'm with you, work till the last page, won't quit. Then we will celebrate.

I learn a lot too. Plus, at the end we will find all our "relative" Fa Shi to help us.
I agree with your suggestion also.

Samma Ditthi 说...

From Brother Hong's email

Dear Wang Shishung,

You're right. Last night's discussions went pretty well. We surely like to
keep the momentum going till the end of the study so that everyone can
benefit from it.

Submitting questions beforehand is a great suggestion. Firstly, it helps us
in the book-keeping of all questions raised, which can be revisited any time
in the future. Secondly, it allows us to run the conference call more
efficiently and effectively. Let's see if other members have any
recommendations about this issue. If no objections, I'll be glad to collect
them 1-2 days prior to meeting.

I totally agree with your point that we all should attempt to fully digest
the questions rather than simply find the right answer. Thanks.


Samma Ditthi 说...

From YiJen's Email

Dear all,

Wang shishung made a great suggestion. Let's do it! Thank you all for a very interactive/informative discussion last night.

Yi-Jen with joined palms

Samma Ditthi 说...

From Xiaoping's email:

Thanks to everyone for the good discussion. I agree with Brother Hanlin. We should be better prepared. The meeting is a good check point that let me found I should keep up with the schedule and keep record of questions.

In Dharmma,

- Xiaoping